
and it stoned me to my soul/ stoned me just like goin’ home/ and it stoned me.

There are three Van songs guaranteed to choke me. Bright Side Of The Road partly because of that moment in Fever Pitch and partly because of the ‘let’s enjoy it while we can’ sentiment. Days Like This for obvious and somewhat cheesy reasons. And It Stoned Me because it’s my favourite (how many times do I rewind to the start so I can hear the first line again and again). They’re all from different albums and different times but they all make me feel exactly the same way: nostalgic/happy/sad/like-my-heart-could-burst. It’s something to do with his voice being so familiar. As in before-I-could-walk familiar. I think I’ve just happened across my point: they all make me want to go home.


i was hoping for replacement when the sun burst through the sky.

Those of you who follow me on twitter will know that I had a bit of Balmain-induced episode today when the photos from Paris Fashion Week rolled in. Honestly though. I couldn’t contain it. Just plain awe. When Alicia Keys wore that dress to the Brits that time, it became one of my aims in life to have a piece of Balmain in my wardrobe. Preferably in the DRESS form, thanks. In fact, while we’re at it, if I was ever to marry (I know, I know – it ain’t happening, but let’s just think upon this ludicrous notion for but a moment) – that dress down there in the middle? Yeah, that’d do just nicely, thanks. So, anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, just a bit of Balmain in my wardrobe. It’s the sort of aim that’s not too far out-of-reach as to be unattainable, but far enough out-of-reach as to still be a dream. One day, kids, one day. I promise you that.


You will hear thunder and remember me,
and think: she wanted storms. The rim
of the sky will be the colour of hard crimson,
and your heart, as it was then, will be on fire.

That day in Moscow, it will all come true,
when, for the last time, I take my leave,
and hasten to the heights that I have longed for,
leaving my shadow still to be with you.

music, photography

there are places i remember, all my life…

…though some have changed. Some forever, not for better, some have gone and some remain. All these places have their moments, with lovers and friends, I still can recall. Some are dead and some are living; in my life, I’ve loved them all. But of all these friends and lovers, there is no-one compares with you. And these memories lose their meaning, when I think of love as something new. Though I know I’ll never lose affection for people and things that went before; I know I’ll often stop and think about them – in my life, I love you more.

This song? Top ten. And perfect for right now, because on this day seven years ago, I travelled one-way up the M6 and landed in Manchester. I’ve been here ever since, so I thought it would be an appropriate time (especially as this city won’t have me for much longer) to pause and count the ways in which I love this place. All a good idea, until I realised I really wouldn’t know where to begin. There simply are no words for the people I’ve met and the times I’ve had. The Manchester Years are famous in my book and I will look back on them with a fondness like no other. If I’ve learnt anything, it’s that the good people are like magnets. So thank you, Manchester, for teaching me that.

P.s. Count yourselves lucky that I chose that song to start this post off with. The alternative would’ve been Tina Turner –Simply The Best (don’t ask). But now for the photos. These were taken (almost) seven years ago of my friend (who happens to be wearing a wig) and I, outside our halls. I seem to remember we loved them at the time. They look even more iconic now.
