music, photography

if not for you, my sky would fall.


now the darkness only stays at night-time
– in the morning it will fade away.
daylight is good at arriving on time
– it’s not always going to be this grey.

music, photography

That it really began in the days when the Love Laws were
made. The laws that lay down who should be loved, and how.

And how much.

literature, photography
literature, photography

If this were a fairy-tale, it would now be time for Captain
Durham to play hero. He does not seem to lack the necessary
credentials. It is not that he isn’t handsome, or tall or strong, or
that he doesn’t want to help her, or that he doesn’t love her
– all those things are true. But maybe it is just the scenery that is
wrong. Maybe nothing that happens on stolen ground can
expect a happy ending.


i couldn’t hear the robins sing – i just wouldn’t have a clue

I remember when I first watched the Concert for Bangladesh. I reckoned it probably didn’t get much more special than that. The Billy Preston That’s The Way God Planned It moment? Quite unbelievable. And then I remember finding this footage of Bob Dylan and George Harrison rehearsing If Not For You on the extras. I didn’t stop playing it for weeks. It’s the tentativeness that gets me, every time. And the bit where they laugh, of course. Too good.

life, music

i look at the world and i notice it’s turning

A cheeky bit of morning rugby. Then to work. Then I’m off out later. Fancy nancy. Oh, and speaking of fancy, those of you who follow me on twitter will be aware that I got my hands on an iPhone 4s yesterday (I may or may not have queued). It’s beyond fancy. Hopefully it’ll improve the quality of my blog photos (8 mega pixels – what are YOU sayin’). Watch this space! But for now, I’ll let George do the talking.
