Ok, I know I’m way slow off the mark here, but I remember reading recently that COS have re-opened their online store. This juicy piece of info just came back to me so I made my way there with haste. The only access I’ve ever had to COS is the small concession in Selfridges (and they never have what I want), so this online shop is tantamount to paradise-at-my-fingertips right now! Only thing is: what to choose? Here’s the short(dream)list. (I’m kidding myself that I’ve actually got money to spend.) (That’s why I’ve included socks.) (Affordable but pretty.) No but really, I want everything. They must’ve seen me coming.

It is all so perfect…Going to check out the website now but I am also low on cash.. as always.
Isn’t it. I literally feel like they must’ve had me in mind. Ha!