
once upon a time you dressed so fine

Well, hello! I can only apologise sincerely for my hugely long absence. I was poorly. As in, proper poorly! Just like when you were a kid. The loss of a week’s wages just before Christmas was not ideal. I spent over a week worrying about not being able to stand up to go shopping and about not having any money to spend even if I did manage to stand up. You get the gist.

Anyway, eventually I stood up and headed south. I had a very southern, snowy-pathed, boozy-foody Christmas. Lovely. I have just returned to the northwest and have been reunited with my laptop and passwords and things and thought I should pop by to say hello. Hope santa was kind to you all and that you’ve managed to finish off the turkey. Santa delivered me my very own flip-clock and I’m done with turkey for another year…


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