So, here I am, alone in Berlin. Pressing reset, or something. It’s been something of a difficult month. Actually, make that a difficult eight months [I counted] – so do excuse my recent hiatus. I think I might be [just about] back. Here’ goes.
I was clearing out an old drawer the other day and found my ticket to the Turner Prize in 2007. This went on to remind me of my first ever blog post, titled: there will be no miracles here. Call it creative borrowing from something I saw at that very exhibition, which took place over five years ago. And I started this blog some months over three years ago. These two things made me think: if only I could speak to my three/five-years-younger self. I know exactly what I would say to her.
Anyway, impossibility aside, here’s some recent phone photos [got to ease myself back into this gently, after all]. I’ll leave you to guess the wheres and whens.