Thought I’d better squeeze in a post before it’s bloody February. Anyone else completely failed on the resolution front? I’ve been anything but an active blogger (and anything but a detoxer/money-saver). Fresh start in February, yeah? I’ve probably been too busy self-indulgently eating nachos reading books; Hunter S Thompson’s The Rum Diary (amazing – I could’ve quoted something from every page) and Philip Roth’s Nemesis (so sad, lots of commas). We also watched the film adaptation of The Rum Diary – not even close to the brilliance of the book, but Johnny Depp so it’ll do. Must go and attend to those resolutions. See you in Feb, kids!
Monthly Archives: January 2012
i was feeling better now, warm and sleepy and absolutely free.
at times i think there are no words but these
Oh my. WANT. But I’m on a strict buying-ban and they cost £110. So I can only look. And oggle. And dream.
do you go to the country? it isn’t very far.
Weekend? Who knew. I’m working the whole thing while the boy plays with new computer parts. Rolling my eyes. I’m also still trying to action my new years resolutions. Yes, I’m aware it’s already mid-January, but what can I say, I’m something of a slow-starter. Must go, the gym is a’waiting. (And I’m rolling my eyes). I’ll be skinny and rich before you know it.
your ears are full but you’re empty, holding out your heart
I worked from home today. I could certainly get used to that. You know, wake up whenever, get up/dressed, get the coffee machine on, blitz through what needs doing, then the rest of the day is mine/the world is an oyster/anything goes. Once I’d finished my work today, I went to town, had a bit of a saunter, bought some food for dinner, sauntered on home, tidied, ironed, cooked. And now I’m here, with or without a glass of wine (you decide), a sleepy boy in my midst (he gets up early for that thing they call work), with my headphones blasting me out a bit of the nineties. Lovely. Shame I’ve got to actually go to work tomorrow. Whoever thought of that.
and i would give anything i own, give up my life, my heart, my home
I’ve been quite the lucky one and ended up with loads of time off over Christmas and New Year. While this is wonderful, it also means I haven’t really got my act back together yet. Now that January is upon us (I’m aware I’m five days late), I seriously need to save the pennies and lose the pounds (get it?). In less uncertain terms, I’m skint and tubby. This must be addressed, not least because I have a holiday to save and be skinny for. Oh and I also need to get my job-hunt on, again. It’s quite the juggling act.
As it stands, I’m off to an alright start. I’m eBaying my life away and have sorted some more work experience. But these two things alone will not be enough. Trust me though, it’s something I’m working on.
In the meantime, a suitably lovely and super famous January Vogue cover. The year, 1950. The girl, Jean Patchett.
you gave my life to me, set me free, set me free
So here you have it, as promised, my 2011 in phone photos. Having got these together, I don’t think I’ve done as good a job at recording the year as I normally would. I blame changing phones, changing apps and being generally indecisive. So, another resolution – take more phone photos.
January. Apparently I wasn’t on phone-photo-form this month. I could only find two. An appalling self-portrait and a dinner I was clearly proud of. It is only the interests of consistency that I am including these.

February. In fact, it seems I didn’t start the month off very eventfully at all. Apart from an important 50th birthday party, February was also sparse.

March. I remember being surprised that it was March already. My boy did some drawings (isn’t he good?). I did some writing (hmmmm). Boom.

April. Wedding celebrations, anniversary celebrations, blossom.

May. Silk shirts, spring salads (always delicious and always made by the boy, of course), pints of beer and football.

June. Festival-chic and shoulder-pad-chic.

July. I see a fascination with shirts emerging. More silk here. Along with weddings and general out-and-about-ery.

August. Birthday! Otherwise known as FOOD and BOOZE.

September. A dash of Indian summer, a dash of interior design, a dash of sadness, and a dash of general arty-ness.

October. Friends and music and changing hair.

November. Work experience. Jack Daniels experience. Another clock photo. Apparently I take a picture of the clock whenever I’m concerned that time is running away from me.

December. Suddenly seems I’ve got the hang of my new phone and its huge amount of mega-pixie-blah. Food, booze, presents, trees, lomography, hangover-food, milkshakes, home.

you sheltered me from harm, kept me warm, kept me warm
Happy new year, oh readers of mine! Of course, this year, I have made a resolution to keep on top of this blog in a far more comprehensive and dedicated manner than can be said for my recent efforts. I may or may not have said exactly the same thing something similar this time last year. But this time I mean it. I’ll be around so much you’ll get bored of me. Promise! On this note of anticipation, I’ll leave you. But tomorrow I’ll be back with 2011’s version of the phone-photos post. See last years here. ‘Til then, look to Pierre cardin to keep yourselves sufficiently wrapped up against these ghastly winds.