life, photography

like people on the moon, i see things are not meant to be

Well, as you can see, I’ve had a little spruce up around here. (If you can’t see any changes, please press refresh! Something to do with the word CACHED means the changes don’t always show by themselves. Huh?) The boy’s even fiddled with the colours and the links and the archives and a few other things that have been bugging me for ages. I’m still not entirely happy and there’s a few things I’m not sure how to fix it, but I’m going to leave it in the boy’s capable hands. Hopefully it’ll all be ironed out soon and I’ll have a lovely new home!

I have also successfully added some new blogs to my blog roll, all by myself. My current favourites are: thank you, ok, 11.54, schorlemädchen, rose & crown, and sunken treasure. Take a look, why don’t you.

For now though, I’ve got a day off, with my friends ‘cold’ and ‘ear-ache’. We’re waiting for the postman to deliver our new amp so we can finally start spinning records again. Thing is, it’s also my staff night-out this evening; I’d love to say I’m going to stay at home eating grapes and drinking orange juice, but I know myself and that’s not likely to be the case. See you on the other side.


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