doodlings, food

oh my love, my love, this can really be

Well, I feel like the weekend is already over, when really, I’m only halfway through – what a treat. Did you all enjoy The Wedding? WE DID. We celebrated with bunting, patriotism, a cardboard Kate and Wills (which proved handy for waving at passers-by later in the day), Pimms, fizz, bangers’n’mash, fish’n’chips, cupcakes’n’cookies, dancing to Julie Rogers, laughing about nun shoes, pointing at horrible hats, singing along to Jerusalem, praising the Queen for wearing buttercup yellow, cheering at Phillip for being a general loose canon, wolf-whistling at Pippa, crying at Spitfires, cooing at the bridesmaids and page-boys (and, of course, emitting the odd squeal when Becks came into shot). All in all, a day to remember. And now, for the anthem of the day and a snapshot or three. Enjoy.


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