
something different about his face, his happy smile seems out of place

This weekend I have mostly cheated on fashion with furniture. Might aswell call me Carrie. Usually we can only make it to IKEA on a bus (and are therefore limited to napkins and tealights and whatever we can carry), but this weekend my brother came up to visit and took me to IKEA in a van. We got the cabinet we’ve wanted for ages. The boy and I got suitably annoyed with each other when putting it up (who can erect flat-pack furniture without a row?) but now it’s happy days. We also got some new bed linen. And the usual tealights/tea-towels/endless-amounts-of-tupperware/blankets/straws. Properly stocked up. And now I shall sit and look at the cabinet all evening. And then get into crisp, brand-new, freshly-washed sheets. Who needs a trip to Russell and Bromley when IKEA is on the menu? (Ha. I know, I know. I hear you scoff. Plus, I have fallen in love with some boots. Think my Russell and Bromley investments might have to become a yearly affair).

Now I don’t mean to bore you, but this post wouldn’t be complete without pictures of my new crush. And a couple of the weekend thrown in too.


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