
space travels in my blood, there ain’t nothing i can do about it

Today consists mostly of homemade strawberry and apple smoothies – my new obsession, don’tcha know. I panic sometimes about not eating enough fruit (I panic sometimes about a lot of things), so smoothies are the current solution. I’ve got major amounts of reading to catch up on: both Saturday and Sunday’s newspapers, plus the as yet unopened copies of Vogue and Harper’s beside my bed. That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen today though as I’m also right in the middle of an application form, which will no doubt turn out to be fruitless (me, cynical? Never.) I’ve also got to work later, so hopefully I’ll read something when I eventually fall into bed. Rediscovering The Only Ones – Another Girl, Another Planet, has added some much need joy to my day though. I was once infatuated with this song but it seemed to slip off the radar somewhere along the line and I haven’t listened to it for years – you’ll be pleased to know it’s still as good as the first time I heard it. Just to further complicate my day, I keep googling potential new haircuts (I’m just flirting with the idea) and Chantal Goya is the only one who seems to have it just right. We’ll see about that though. Cor, this is a long old paragraph. Smoothies and reading and applications and work and songs and haircuts. Whatever next, eh?


One thought on “space travels in my blood, there ain’t nothing i can do about it

  1. I should change my coffee to smoothies, I also wish i could change my job application forms to books and unread magazines.. this is unlikely to happen.

    Another Girl, Another Planet – one of my top 10 songs..

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