life, shopping

let’s take that road before us and sing a chorus or two

I’ve been something of a lousy blogger this week. My apologies. When I’ve not been being knocked over by the ferocious winds, I’ve been working. And when I’ve not been working, I’ve been sleeping/eating/reading/etc. Today, however, I am blogging and then CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. I’ve got to get totally organised as I’ve got less than a handful of days left free before the day itself. I’m even going to whack on a Christmas jumper to keep myself on track. The main plan for today is to make sure I don’t try on or, much more importantly, BUY anything for/pertaining-to-in-any-way myself. That’s the aim. Whether it happens or not is a different kettle of roasting-chestnuts entirely. If I do come back with something for myself (not that I’ll be telling you lot, let alone admitting it to myself), you have my permission to pull a face like Twiggy’s below. A bientot!


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