
so take it easy on yourself, there’s nothing new about regretting how you felt.

Nothing like a bit of emotional trauma to make you a) lose weight, b) reunite with your good friends Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte (an episode a day keeps the doctor away), and c) make suitably ludicrous purchases, like a denim shirt with ducks on (no but seriously, I love it). In other news I popped to Rome last week. Just beauts. And next week I’m off to Zurich with work. It’s all go here. Whether I’m keeping up or not is a different matter entirely.

literature, photography

i couldn’t enjoy much of anything, except walking to the Ile St Louis

…to the park I’d come to love and rely on. The trees were flowering now, and there was the thick smell of horse-chestnut blossoms. I also liked to look around at the houses surrounding the park, and wonder about the people who filled them, what kind of marriages they had and how they loved or hurt each other on any given day, and if they were happy, and whether they thought happiness was a sustainable thing. I’d stay in the park as long as I could, and then walk home through the sunshine I couldn’t quite feel.


dreamed a dream by the old canal

I think I promised some Berlin photos a while I go, didn’t I? I know, I know, I’ve taken my time. But these things musn’t be rushed. However, I’m going on holiday again soon (Rome, with my mummy, if you must know!) so figured I should get these out of the way first and leave a creative space in my brain.

Thought I’d start, appropriately, with the hotel. We stayed at the Michelberger Hotel which is in Friedrichshain, right by the East Side Gallery. I don’t think I could recommend it highly enough. I, for one, cannot wait to go back. The ambience in the bar/lounge couldn’t have been more spot on – if I hadn’t been lured to venture outside by gin-fizz and the other delights Berlin had to offer, I’d’ve happily stayed put in the hotel the whole time. All the photos below are from in and around the Michelberger.

Ps. The book of booze. Have they met me?

life, photography

like people on the moon, i see things are not meant to be

Well, as you can see, I’ve had a little spruce up around here. (If you can’t see any changes, please press refresh! Something to do with the word CACHED means the changes don’t always show by themselves. Huh?) The boy’s even fiddled with the colours and the links and the archives and a few other things that have been bugging me for ages. I’m still not entirely happy and there’s a few things I’m not sure how to fix it, but I’m going to leave it in the boy’s capable hands. Hopefully it’ll all be ironed out soon and I’ll have a lovely new home!

I have also successfully added some new blogs to my blog roll, all by myself. My current favourites are: thank you, ok, 11.54, schorlemädchen, rose & crown, and sunken treasure. Take a look, why don’t you.

For now though, I’ve got a day off, with my friends ‘cold’ and ‘ear-ache’. We’re waiting for the postman to deliver our new amp so we can finally start spinning records again. Thing is, it’s also my staff night-out this evening; I’d love to say I’m going to stay at home eating grapes and drinking orange juice, but I know myself and that’s not likely to be the case. See you on the other side.

life, photography

do you go to the country? it isn’t very far.

Weekend? Who knew. I’m working the whole thing while the boy plays with new computer parts. Rolling my eyes. I’m also still trying to action my new years resolutions. Yes, I’m aware it’s already mid-January, but what can I say, I’m something of a slow-starter. Must go, the gym is a’waiting. (And I’m rolling my eyes). I’ll be skinny and rich before you know it.


you gave my life to me, set me free, set me free

The finest years I ever knew, was all the years I had with you.

So here you have it, as promised, my 2011 in phone photos. Having got these together, I don’t think I’ve done as good a job at recording the year as I normally would. I blame changing phones, changing apps and being generally indecisive. So, another resolution – take more phone photos.

January. Apparently I wasn’t on phone-photo-form this month. I could only find two. An appalling self-portrait and a dinner I was clearly proud of. It is only the interests of consistency that I am including these.

February. In fact, it seems I didn’t start the month off very eventfully at all. Apart from an important 50th birthday party, February was also sparse.

March. I remember being surprised that it was March already. My boy did some drawings (isn’t he good?). I did some writing (hmmmm). Boom.

April. Wedding celebrations, anniversary celebrations, blossom.

May. Silk shirts, spring salads (always delicious and always made by the boy, of course), pints of beer and football.

June. Festival-chic and shoulder-pad-chic.

July. I see a fascination with shirts emerging. More silk here. Along with weddings and general out-and-about-ery.

August. Birthday! Otherwise known as FOOD and BOOZE.

September. A dash of Indian summer, a dash of interior design, a dash of sadness, and a dash of general arty-ness.

October. Friends and music and changing hair.

November. Work experience. Jack Daniels experience. Another clock photo. Apparently I take a picture of the clock whenever I’m concerned that time is running away from me.

December. Suddenly seems I’ve got the hang of my new phone and its huge amount of mega-pixie-blah. Food, booze, presents, trees, lomography, hangover-food, milkshakes, home.
